The Eikon Podcast

S6E176: New Creation 9: Why The Creation Was Not Perfect

Season 6 Episode 176

The Eikon team explores the idea that creation was never a completed project, but rather had room for growth and development. Michael, Jason, and Gianna discuss the concept of new creation in the Bible, particularly in the writings of Paul and Isaiah. They explore the idea that creation is not a finished product, but a process of becoming all that it is meant to be. They also discuss how new creation is not just a future hope, but something that is already happening in the present.

- Creation was never a completed project but had room for growth and development.
- Being in the image of God means reflecting God's image as a community.
- Our identity as image bearers of God is our inherent worth and dignity.
- It can be challenging to respond gracefully in rude encounters, but it's important to consider the context and choose the best course of action.
- Creation is not a finished product, but a process of becoming all that it is meant to be.
- New creation is not just a future hope, but something that is already happening in the present.
- The symbolic nature of passages describing the new creation should be understood, as they depict a reality that is too wonderful to fully comprehend.
- New creation often emerges in the midst of conflict and challenges, refining and shaping individuals and communities.
- The journey of new creation has no end and continually moves towards greater glory.

00:00 - Names
06:42 - The Frustrations of Group Communication
13:26 - The Continuous Growth of Creation
36:07 - New Creation in the Present
43:06 - Symbolism and the Wonder of New Creation
53:47 - New Creation in the Midst of Conflict